Established Los-Angeles duo Ships Have Sailed was founded by vocalist and guitarist Will Carpenter and complimented by the rhythmic nuance of drummer Art Andraikyan, delivering slick alt-rock cuts that are sonically diverse and lyrically impressive. They have developed an eclectic and progressive discography over the years, an assortment of art that they continue to develop and augment, proven only further with this new single.

Once again teaming up with regular collaborator Abby Posner, a terrific singer-songwriter whose style embraces indie-folk tendencies, for a swirling rock anthem that features rousing lyricism about overcoming adversity with further depth in the specificity of the narrative.

On the single, Carpenter commented, “My first instinct upon hearing of the decision was to be angry, so I sat with that for a moment, and then reflected on all the times throughout history when the powers that be attempt to strip away the rights of many to appease the few. A thought popped into my head: “ok, so it’s about to get loud”. I wanted to bring a different perspective into the writing process, so I immediately reached out to a dear friend of mine, Abby Posner, who is an incredibly talented artist and producer and who I felt would bring an important lens to the song. I explained the idea and where it came from and she jumped in immediately.”

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