Indie-pop duo Grace & Moji bring their relationship to the forefront of their close-to-home new single, “Tipping Point.” The LA-based married couple, who openly mix their interpersonal chemistry with their hauntingly original songs, have been dubbed ‘A love story for the ages,’ with thousands of listeners latching onto their heart-on-sleeve lyricism. The song feels like an honest and raw conversation between both singers, where they explore the feelings that arise in such a close relationship that’s waiting for the… tipping point.

“We got married quickly and had to get to know each other under unusual circumstances, and it brought up a lot that I needed to face within myself,” says Grace. She tells that the core of the duo’s musical relationship was formed when they both married quickly after falling in love. “I feel so fortunate that we were able to cultivate a space where we could explore the more unconscious dynamics within our relationship. I hope our process inspires couples to feel safe communicating more honestly in their relationships.”

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