The journey to artistry has been a winding and provoking road for Dortmund’s Bae Blade. When touring as a band photographer, Blade encounter musicians of all genre and style, observing their sound before launching the Bae Blade project in lockdown. Rising through the ranks of the underground, Blade now boasts a Rinse residency and international shows, poised to make a huge impression on the scene.

Now feels like a pinnacle time in Blade’s career with the release of a debut EP. “Mixed Feelings”, released via Mutual Pleasure, is a stylistically eclectic and striking sonic journey through the artist’s influences and vision, flicking between techno, breakbeat and trance with effortless ease. The tone is moody, the production is meticulous, and when we are blessed with vocals, they augment the hypnotic instrumentals perfectly. From the ethereal energy of “Busy Overthinking” to the booming movement of “Bossed Up”, there’s great variety and progression across the body of work.

On the EP, Blade comments, ‘I wanted the freedom to cover as many genres in one EP as possible. The four tracks on this EP are all different, from 4 to the floor beat, to electro to that 808 hip-hop beat, the rapping… As humans we have different sides to us. I want my music to show that.’

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