The Pigeon Detectives – “Falling To Pieces”

From their next LP, TV Show, The Pigeon Detectives have just released their new single, “Falling To Pieces.”

For those not in the know, The Pigeon Detectives have been around for nearly twenty years, forming in Leeds back in 2006. Without turning this blog post into a history lesson, let’s just say that if you like what you hear with “Falling To Pieces,” you have quite a back catalogue to sift through until the new album drops on July 7th. We will say, however, that after all this time, the band has not changed their lineup, which means they’ve practically grown up together, ultimately leading to one of the tightest rhythm sections in all of indie rock.

And speaking of indie rock, that’s exactly what you’re going to find inside of “Falling To Pieces.” The track begins with a wall of sound, stacked brick by brick with drums, bass, and fuzzy guitars (plus a clap or two to ensure 100% fun). The vocals enter, first revealing the line that birthed the song name, ensuring that this ear worm finds a permanent home within your head before it has even revealed the rest of the first verse.

What’s most extraordinary here is the way that the production slows down and peels away its layers on the refrain, giving each lucky listener an earful of the dynamics within the band’s songwriting. And we can already picture the crowd going wild for the sudden surge of energy that is utilized at the end of each chorus/ beginning of each verse. In lieu of a bridge, the band have opted for a good, old-fashioned, pedal-to-the-metal type of an ending, complete with pounding drums and some amped-up vocal work.

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