Quinn Devlin – “Lillian”

The newest single from Quinn Devlin, “Lillian,” is a beautiful and enchanting indie folk song that has a great dreamy and carefree feel. The lap steel lines, which weave a lovely and melodic tapestry throughout the piece, are, without a doubt, the song’s star. I am a sucker for lap steel though!

The lap steel is given room to shine by the drums and acoustic guitar never steal the show, just add to the slow rhythm, with the piano bringing a subtle brightness in all the right spots. The vocals are performed in a cool, unpolished tone that is full of charm and character. The whole mood makes me want to make comparisons to Neil Young.

The chorus sections of “Lillian” are given depth by the supporting vocals and I like the ‘almost live performance’ feel to the way they support. The lyrics have a real authentic relatability to them. They are storytelling about everyday life, memories, and relationships. It is a straightforward and relatable story about ordinary existence. Devlin’s singing and the stirring lap steel guitar combine with the lyrics perfectly to convey a sense of nostalgia. This, for me, is what makes this song really special.

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