Plaster Cast contemplate loneliness with dreamy and funky dance cut “Waves”

We’re premiering “Waves,” the second single off Plaster Cast‘s upcoming EP Control, due out August 12.

For a group made up of people living hundreds of miles away from each other, Plaster Cast‘s music couldn’t be more intimate. The project nails the dreamy and melancholy sound of bedroom pop at its best while giving it a twist of its own. This is certainly the case of the second single to their upcoming EP Control. After the release of the sunny title track, the new single “Waves” is a much more gloomy and moody offering in comparison.

“Waves” generously takes inspiration from dream pop and chillwave aesthetics yet doesn’t remain fenced by any boundaries. Taking the main stage is a groovy bassline, which sits atop a flurry of gentle synths. Paired with a steady drumbeat, the single deviates sonically from the majority of moody bedroom ballads, giving it more power and vigor. These funky elements go with the track’s ethereal vocals and layers of synths surprisingly well, creating a unique retro-dance-meets-futuristic-indietronica vibe.

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