Anna Erhard takes us back to the quirky 90s with “Campsite”

Anna Erhard is a Berlin-based singer-songwriter with a lot of stories to tell. A highly accomplished lyricist, Erhard writes indie-pop songs uncluttered in form yet knotty in content. Her music is fairly reminiscent of Courtney Barnett‘s early material, with a vocal delivery that, although heavily indebted to sprechgesang, never really renounces melody.

Back in 2021, Erhard released her first studio album, Short Cut. Spearheaded by the brilliant break-up anthem “This Is It”, Short Cut was a nine-song collection of guitar-based tunes that showcased Erhard‘s knack for pairing catchy melodies with resonating lyrics. Now, Erhard has announced that her follow-up record, Campsite, is coming out on September 9.

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